2023 Department of Pediatrics Academic Annual Report
She also co-authored the Alabama Perinatal Quality Collaborative’s Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Initiative, a statewide QI endeavor uniting Alabama delivery hospitals in optimizing the quality of care provided to pregnant women facing opioid use disorder and their neonates. She continues her active work with the Governor’s Opioid Council, especially on the newly formed Committee on Maternal and Child Health. Dr. Ladinsky is a member of the Quality Improvement Center for Collaborative Community Court Teams, Jefferson County Site Steering Committee, a collaboration between Family Court, Department of Human Resources (DHR) and Medicine around enhanced care for mothers facing substance dependence and their children. The Safe Care Program was awarded a $2 million grant by the US Bureau of Justice’s Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant and Substance Abuse Prevention (COSSAP) Division for sustainability and dissemination to other Alabama counties. She serves on the Jefferson County Children’s Policy Council Board as well as the Board of OutCare, a national comprehensive resource for LGBTQ+ healthcare resources, mentorship, medical education and cultural humility training. Dr. Ladinsky co-chairs the Department of Pediatrics IDEAA (Inclusivity, Diversity, Equity, Ableism, and Advocacy) Council with Dr. Madhura Hallman. She serves on a stakeholder committee with Children’s of Alabama Emergency Department leaders and Children’s of Alabama leadership relative to Children’s of Alabama’s approach to the unprecedented escalation in firearm injuries affecting our youth. Dr. Ladinsky was recently selected to serve on the Birmingham Women’s Initiative, the Advisory Board for SOJOURN (Southern Jewish Resource Network for Gender and Sexual Diversity) Advisory Council, the Alabama Chapter of the Scholars Strategy Network, and the Alabama delegation meeting with United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNOHCHR). Terry Wall, M.D., MPH, is principal investigator on a Health Service Foundation (HSF) General Endowment Fund Grant Award titled CARE BHAM (Co-located Access and Resident Education for Behavioral Health Assessment and Management). Through this project, the UAB Pediatric Primary Care Clinic has been able to embed behavioral health services within the clinic in order to help improved access to mental health services for our pediatric patients. In addition, the clinic is a collaborating site for a study based in the Department of Genetics to randomize patients to whole genome sequencing vs. usual care for detecting genetic disorders. The clinic is also working with investigators in the Department of Microbiology to recruit patients for a study to investigate the underlying etiology of IgA nephropathy. EXTRAMURAL AWARDS, RECOGNITION & LEADERSHIP ROLES Morissa Ladinsky, M.D., received the Ellen Perrin AAP National Award for Excellence in LGBTQ Health and Wellness. Candice Dye, M.D., received a special achievement award from the AAP.
2023 Academic Annual Report
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