INNS Prospectus: Promotional and Exhibit Opportunities

dependent) • Company name on all marketing, including meeting brochure and website (deadline • Company logo on signage in registration foyer and exhibit area for duration of meeting Gold level supporters will receive recognition as follows: GOLD SPONSOR - $10,000

• Attendee list at conclusion of meeting • 2 guest tickets to the Saturday night Gala • 2 exhibitor registrations with a single booth • Text recognition in conference program

Text recognition in conference program Company logo on signage in registration foyer and exhibit area for duration of meeting Bronze level supporters will receive recognition as follows: BRONZE SPONSOR - $3,000 • Attendee list at conclusion of meeting • 2 guest tickets to the Saturday night Gala • 2 exhibitor registrations with a single booth • Text recognition in conference program • Company logo on signage in registration foyer and exhibit area for duration of meeting Silver level supporters will receive recognition as follows: SILVER SPONSOR - $5,000

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Attendee list at conclusion of meeting 2 exhibitor registrations with a single booth

*non-profit must meet ACCME Definition of an Ineligible Company • Attendee list at conclusion of meeting • 2 exhibitor registrations Includes: NON-PROFIT* SINGLE BOOTH RATE - $1,500

• One 6’ table with two chairs for duration of meeting in a 8’x 8’ footprint (Two tables with a All Exhibits Include:

One power strip with extension cord Wireless Internet Access 8’ x 16’ footprint for double booth)

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INNS 2024


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