Save the Date The 6th Annual Advancements in the Care of Pediatric Cancer and Blood Disorders Symposium will focus on “Transforming Care.” Invited speakers include Laurence Cooper, M.D., Ph.D., from M.D. Anderson, Houston; Andrew Gilman, M.D., from Carolinas Healthcare Group in Charlotte; Ellen Olson, P.N.P., from Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta; and Avi Maden-Swain, Ph.D., Alyssa Reddy, M.D., Hilary Haines, M.D., Wendy Landier, Ph.D., and Smita Bhatia, M.D., all of Children’s of Alabama. Frederick Goldman, MD, director of the Children’s of Alabama Pediatric Blood and Marrow Transplant program, is organizing the conference. October 23, 2015
News Children’s of Alabama has earned accreditation as a Pediatric Heart Failure Institute by The Healthcare Colloquium, a national group of hospitals dedicated to improving patient outcomes through expert-to-expert collaboration. The accreditation is the highest level available and makes Children’s the first pediatric facility in Alabama, and one of only nine in the nation, to be awarded this distinction. To broaden Children’s existing child abuse treatment and prevention program and elevate it to the Children’s Hospital Association’s Advance Tier level, a new division of child abuse pediatrics has been established. Michael Taylor, M.D. , will serve as division director. The new division expands Children’s commitment to child abuse treatment and prevention through the Children’s Hospital Intervention and Prevention Services (CHIPS) Center. Taylor will work with Melissa Peters, M.D. , David Bernard, M.D., and the CHIPS staff which is comprised of specially trained and licensed professional counselors, doctors, social workers and sexual assault nurse examiners. Honors & Awards
A c c r e d i t e d P e d i a t r i c H e a r t F a i l u r e I n s t i t u t e S M T h e H e a l t h c a r e C o l l o q u i u m , A B a t t e l l e C o m p a n y
• Traci Jester, M.D. , pediatric gastroenterology, has been selected to join the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America’s Pediatric Affairs Committee. • David Smith, M.D. , pediatric emergency medicine, received the 2015 Society for Pediatric Research Clinical Fellows Research Award. • Michele Kong, M.D. , pediatric critical care, presented “Protease Dysregulation in RSV Disease” at the 2015 Pediatric Acute Lung Injury and Sepsis Investigators meeting at Salt Lake City earlier this year. • Prem Fort, M.D. , neonatology, received the 2015 Fellows’ Section Clinical Research Award from the Society for Pediatric Research as well as the Southern Society of Pediatric Research Clinical Science Young Investigator Award. • Namasivayam Ambalavanan, M.D. , neonatology, has been selected as the Southern Society of Pediatric Research 2015 Founders’ Award recipient. • David Kimberlin, M.D. , will present the Philip Porter Lecture at Grand Rounds MassGeneral Hospital for Children on Sept. 29. • Mike K. Chen, M.D. , pediatric surgery, has received the 2015 American College of Surgeons/American Pediatric Surgical Association Executive Leadership in Health Policy and Management Scholarship. • The American Society of Clinical Oncology Post recently highlighted Smita Bhatia, M.D. , and her team’s findings in an article, “Less Than 95% Adherence to Mercaptopurine Maintenance Associated with Nearly Threefold Increased Risk of Relapse in Pediatric ALL.” The research is a Children’s Oncology Group study reported in JAMA Oncology . • Suresh Boppana, M.D. , received the inaugural Congenital CMV Award at the 5th annual International Congenital CMV Conference in Brisbane, Australia in April.
• T. Prescott Atkinson, M.D. Ph.D , pediatric allergy, asthma and immunology, has been appointed vice chair of the American Board of Allergy and Immunology. • Tim Beukelman, M.D., MSCE , pediatric rheumatology, was selected as a visiting professor to the Florida Hospital Medical Center in Orlando as part of the American College of Rheumatology’s Rheumatology Research Foundation Pediatric Visiting Professor program. • The Society for Pediatric Research has named Waldemar Carlo, M.D. , neonatology, the 2015 recipient of the Douglas K. Richardson Award in Perinatal and Pediatric Healthcare Research. • Randy Cron, M.D., Ph.D , pediatric rheumatology, has been selected to serve on the editorial board for Arthritis Care & Research. • Sergio Stagno, M.D. , former physician-in-chief at Children’s of Alabama, has been appointed Chair Emeritus in the University of Alabama School of Medicine. • Tina Simpson, M.D. , Krista Casazza, M.D. , and Jasmine Pagan, M.D. , general pediatrics and adolescent medicine, received The 2015 Association of Teachers of Maternal and Child Health Innovative Teaching Award. • Gregory Friedman, M.D. , pediatric hematology/ oncology, participated in an NIH-sponsored advanced training course, “Frontiers in Stem Cells in Cancer,” in Ponce, Puerto Rico. He spoke on “Pediatric Cancer Stem Cells: Biologic Strategies with Oncolytic Virotherapy” and taught a lab, “Pediatric Cancer Stem Cells: Intracranial Injections and Immunofluorescent Staining.” • Drew Davis, M.D. , pediatric rehabilitation medicine, will serve a three-year term as vice chair of education for the Pediatric Rehabilitation/Developmental Disabilities Council of the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. • Kathy Monroe, M.D. , pediatric emergency medicine, has been elected to serve as a member on the AAP’s Executive Committee of the Council on Injury, Violence and Poison Prevention.
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