INNS Conference Prospectus
On behalf of the organizing committee, it is our pleasure to invite you to the inaugural International Neonatal Nephrology Symposium (INNS) from September 11 – 15, 2024. We are excited to host the meeting in Birmingham, Alabama, known for its vibrant cultural heritage, southern hospitality and incredible cuisine. This symposium is designed to bring together experts, researchers and clinicians from across the globe to share knowledge, exchange ideas and collaborate on the latest advancements in neonatal kidney disease. The event will provide a unique platform for networking and foster scientific dialogue that will contribute to improving outcomes in our youngest patients. We are delighted to announce that Stuart Goldstein, MD, will be our keynote speaker. Our scientific committee has put together an incredible program with renowned speakers. Their expertise and insights will undoubtedly contribute to the academic richness of the symposium. We will have eight topic sessions, two workshops, and interactive abstract sessions with both platforms and posters.
INNS 2024
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