INNS Conference Prospectus

We are expecting an attendance of approximately 275 physicians, trainees and nurse practitioners. Throughout the conference, there will be ample time for sponsors and exhibitors to interact with attendees during breaks and dedicated exhibitor time. In addition to the scientific program, we have organized social events and networking opportunities to foster connections amongst the neonatal nephrology community. Topics include: • Practical aspects of Neonatal Kidney Care: The Science and the Art • From Crib to Bench and Back to the Crib • Kidney Health Metrics in Neonates and Young Children • Fetal Kidney Disease: A New Era • Neonatal Organ Cross Talk • Neonatal Nephrology Potpourri

The two featured workshops will be: • Clinical Roundtables: Caring for neonate with kidney disease and their families • Hands-on practical skills sessions: Tools to optimize care of neonates with kidney disease We look forward to seeing you in Birmingham, Alabama in September 2024, where we will pave the way for advancement in neonatal kidney care together!

DAVID ASKENAZI, MD, MSPH, FAAP, FASN Professor of Pediatrics W. Charles Mayer Endowed Chair of Pediatric Nephrology Medical Director - Pediatric and Infant Center for Acute Care Nephrology (PICAN)

NAMASIVAYAM AMBALAVANAN, MD Professor of Pediatrics Director, Perinatal Medicine Fellowship Program Co-Director, Division of Neonatology Co-Director, TReNDD Program


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