Inside Pediatrics Spring 2015
1600 7th Avenue South Birmingham, Alabama 35233
48th Annual Southeast Pediatric Cardiology Society Conference
The famed Robert Trent Jones Golf Course at the Renaissance Ross Bridge is one of the longest courses in the world.
September 25-26, 2015
Renaissance Ross Bridge Golf Resort & Spa n
Birmingham, Alabama
n Quality Improvement and Improved Outcomes n Update on Genetics of Arrhythmias ---Practical Considerations n Treatment of Congestive Heart Failure, VADS and Heart Transplant Patients n Update on Aortopathies and Interventional Catheterization
Register TODAY at
Questions? Call Conference Organizers at 205.934.3460
Yung R. Lau, MD n
F. Bennett Pearce, MD n
Paula Midyette, RN, CCNS n
Ashley Moellinger, RN, CRNP
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